Board of Directors

Board Positions

Duties & Responsibilities

Board Member

The Board is the ultimate legal authority within the governance structure of the Credit Union, but it can only act through the majority consensus of its individual Board members, who are charged with making decisions as fiduciaries in the best interests of the Credit Union and its Members.

The Credit Union’s Board members are expected to uphold the highest duty under the law, that of a fiduciary, and to act at all times in the best interests of the Credit Union. Through individual adherence to the role and responsibilities in this Policy, Board members will help to foster a well-governed credit union and a highly effective Board.

Board members are encouraged to attend local, state, and national credit union events and conferences.

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Associate Board Member

An Associate Board Member Program (Program) is an invaluable asset for the Credit Union. Associate Directors are not yet full, governing Board members, yet they can play a highly influential and persuasive role on the Board.

Associate Directors are treated in all ways as Board members except that they may not vote at Board meetings. They may serve on committees and may vote on those committees unless that vote would bind the Credit Union to a decision or course of action. There may be no more than three (3) Associate Directors at one time.

Associate Directors are expected to act as Board members and are bound to the same requirements of confidentiality, loyalty and care that bind Board members. Associate Directors shall attend and participate in appropriate Board and committee meetings, Board retreats and educational planning sessions, including Executive Sessions or closed committee meetings.

The qualifications for Associate Directors shall be the same as those for Board members.

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Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee shall be responsible for working to assist the Board, the CEO and Senior Management to safeguard the Credit Union’s members’ assets. The Committee’s purpose is to ensure the reliability and the integrity of the Credit Union’s financial and operational information, statements, and reporting processes. It also works to maintain the control environment, including internal controls that help to identify and mitigate risk for the Credit Union. The Committee takes the lead role in hiring and working with both internal and external auditors at the Credit Union, ensuring their qualifications and their independence, as well as the soundness of their processes. Finally, the Committee is charged with ensuring the Credit Union’s compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the ethical standards adopted by the Credit Union.

The qualifications for Supervisory Committees shall be the same as those for Board members, but with an emphasis on a compliance or financial background.

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