6 New Year's Resolutions for a Financially Improved You!

2019 New Year's Resolutions written on post-it note

Okay, I admit it! I am one of those people who like to make New Year's resolutions, only to see if I can actually accomplish my goals. Of course, I try not to set the bar too high so they are achieveable. So imagine my delight when I came across these 6 easy steps for a financially improved me (and you!) in 2019.

1. Increase your savings. - Even if it’s only by 5%, every little bit adds up.

2. Cut out one impulse purchase a week. - By cutting just one candy bar or extra cup of coffee a week you will have more cash in your wallet come Friday.

3. Trim your electricity bills by making sure your appliances are all running efficiently and conserving as much energy as possible. - I am always going around the house turning off lights and unplugging power strips and electonics that are not being used. It really does make a difference!

4. Increase your marketability by learning new skills or broadening your knowledge in your chosen field. - Many Community Education programs offer an affordable way to broaden your skill set, learn new cooking techniques or fun crafting ideas. Check out the opportunities in your area.

5. Pay down your debt by making it a priority. - Always a good idea any time of the year!

6. Spend less on groceries. Do whatever it takes to make it happen: coupon more, cash in on rebates, and shop the sales. Be sure to write out a list of what you need and avoid impluse buys. Easier said than done I know, but it really does add up at the register.

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